Sunday, April 4, 2010

now i remember

I forgot that when you get a tattoo (or alter an existing one) that for a few days the image grows all rough and scaly like an alligator's skin and then flakes off to expose something new, soft and just right underneath. (And yes, I'm getting all metaphorical here with this.)
I forgot how badly my butt hurts after riding my bicycle over the hills and valleys of my neighborhood, then i forget that my butt hurts when i look out at the beauty of where my bike takes me.
I forgot it was Easter, but now understand why i saw all the wacky things i did on people's heads today.
I forgot (but only because i was distracted by all the stuff people were wearing on their head) how much i like almost any flavor of ice cream.
I forgot that you can still miss someone even if you don't want to know them anymore.
I forgot that when i decide i'm ready, it will happen.
I forgot that i'm not in any hurry.
I forgot (temporarily) that crying while still being really happy isn't weird.
I forgot that when i move toward something i want, and then get scared and pull away, that what i want is still there.
I forgot that it's up to me. But now i remember.
I forgot to lock up my bike at Fairway and no one stole it.


  1. i read: "i forgot to lock up my bike"... and my heart lept! and then i read "at fairway" and i breathed a sigh of relief. fairwayans are a good lot.

  2. OMG, how true: "I forgot that you can still miss someone even if you don't want to know them anymore." i feel that all the time.
